Nation under fire


This piece is dedicated to the family and friend’s of Mr. freddie Gray. And to anyone whose found themselves a victim of Police brutality.

By now I’m sure we all know about the tragic death of Freddie Gray.
A 25 year old African-American man who was struck down by excessive force on April 12th of this year.
Witnesses reported seeing a group of police officers desplaying an “unnecessary use of force” on Mr Gray that day before he was remanded into police custody and put inside a PaddyWagon.
What happened inside that van will remain a mystery but what we do know is that police commissioner Anthony Batts reported that the officers failed to provide medical attention to Gray in a timely manner. Nor did they buckle him inside the van during transport. The 6 officers in question are now on temporary suspension with pay, which in my opinion in just a slap in the face to those who cared for this young man. But I can’t imagine what would ease their grief,  short of breaking the spines of those six officers(if indeed they had spines to break).


During the transport,  Freddie slipped into a coma and was taken to a trauma center where he would later die on April 19th. Cause of death being severe damage to the spine and larynx.

Freddie had simply made eye contact with an officer, and that had put him in fear for his safety and officers say he took off running. So they chased him, took him down and dug their knees into his back and throat while repeating the copper’s creed “stop resisting!” im sure. I wasn’t there, but that how I imagine it going down after seeing so many episodes of “Cops”.

Can you blame Freddie for running? Case after case, “a young black man killed by excessive police force” and it hasn’t been very long since the events that took place in Ferguson. I think it’s safe to say there is a necessary tension for people that fit into a certain class. Have it be black America or poor white trash America, we are all on our guard.
I imagine it’s the feeling most of us get when a cop pulls out behind you in traffic. Even though you know that you aren’t doing anything wrong, you still feel nervous and guilty and can’t wait for that cop to turn or get into the next lane.
And as American’s with constitutional rights that are supposed to protect us, we should never be made to feel that way. Especially by the people that we are paying to protect us.

Anyways, my heart goes out to those effected by this. Everywhere, not just in Baltimore but where ever there is injustice at the hands of those in authority.
To find out ways you can help with the aftermath of this tragedy visit
And please stress the importance in your community, where ever you may be, EVERY OFFICER MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH A LAPEL CAMERA AND YES WE CAN AFFORD IT!

Why Gwyneth Paltrow Sucks


So Miss Paltrow seems to think she is in line with the everyday woman.
Sh’yea right.
Miss thing here who is so arrogant she made her “lifestyle” into a high end brand called “Goop” that no common woman could possibly afford, well she seems to think she has the chonies to live like us poor folks and make-do with $29 in foodstamps a week. 
She has already admitted on “Extra” that it just simply is not possible for her to afford her all organic, yuppie ass macrobiotic diet on such a budget.
Poor thing. She also goes on to say how much she has in common with the everyday woman because “I am a woman…” and that’s about it.
We’re talking about a woman who is a member of just about the fruitiest, most pretentious elite groups I’ve heard of “the Arts Club” whose chairman and Paltrow just purchased L.A.’s infamous “Hustler” store. Just so they can tear it down and put up an exclusive, members only clubhouse.

Gwyneth Paltrow is glimmering showcase of the separation between classes and economic status. And personally I find it very insulting that she could ever for a second have any idea what it is like to live lower class America.

nice try lady.
And to add insult to injury, I; a woman that is currently relying on the government very much to survive and I don’t feel great about it; listening to Miss Nobility bragging about how awesome she is cause she’s jumped on board the hashtag celebrity poverty bullshit challenge wagon-makes me want to friggen puke.
And then I get thinking about the quarterly bureaucratic bullshit hoops I must jump thru and the fact that any amount of money I make, irregardless how little would result in Uncle Sam yanking my foodstamps quicker than you can say “soup kitchen”.
But here’s Gwynnie P; rich as shit and getting foodstamps no questions asked. I know she’s above the poverty level and I sincerely doubt she’s filled out a single paper that is required of the average citizen to qualify for government aid.
I guess my point is; rich people just suck, cause I’m broke and it is shitty.
And that’s all I got.

A side of seizure salad

Right now I am a 27 year old woman. Im struggling with whether or not this should be considered middle aged.
Of course I am worried about certain aspect’s of my health.
As I am sure many women around this age share these concerns about their health.
I have been searching for whatever it is I’m supposed to be writing about. There are so many things that interest me.
I’m not saying that I’m going to stricken myself to soley one subject in my rants.
As always, I plan to write about things that affect me on a personal basis; in one way or another.  And mostly these thing’s do not solely affect me alone but people as a whole. But maybe I found something along the line of my fellow woman’s health, faith and other antidotes women like me will find amusing and helpful as well.

So here’s where it started;
2 days ago I was walking home from the store with my beau Sean.  We were crossing the road-next thing I know I was sitting on the curb, bleeding from my nose, mouth and face, surrounded by paramedics and a couple of bystanders.


I was dazed and confused.
I had no recollection of what had happened but everybody around me told me that I had, had a seizure.
I am not sure what caused it but now I am worried that it may happen again.
There was a woman praying over me,  Sean told me.  I do remember her begin there when I came to.  She was wearing a bright pink spaghetti strapped tank top and jeans and the first thing that I remember is having this amazing urge to hug this woman. 
She disappeared while the EMT’s were asking me questions to see if I was aware or not.
I wasn’t sure of the year when they asked me. I thought it was 2004, I thought I was 23 and all I knew was that our president was a black guy but I couldn’t think of his name.  Still I didn’t want to go in the ambulance because obviously I wasn’t thinking straight and I hate riding in ambulances. They make me feel claustrophobic. But the EMT’s made Sean sign a paper promising that he would take me in to get checked out by medical professionals asap.
So we did and went to out local emergency room, where they did blood tests and a CT scan, which both yielded nothing out of the ordinary.
Now I’m waiting to here from my doctor about a referral to a doctor that can do a “brainwave scan” which I have never had before.
Should be interesting.

And my friend in the pink shirt wherever you came from, I wish I could thank you again.

“Star Wars” and the Almighty Mouse

Last night Lucasfilms released the first trailer for the newest installment in the Star Wars saga. 
This long awaited addition will be the seventh in the series and will be bringing back the original characters of Luke, Han, Chewie, Leia, and beloved robots C-3PO and R2-D2. And with the comes the aged actors who brought these characters to life so long ago.
So to make this coincide; new franchise director J.J. Abrams has placed us somewhere around 30 years after the event’s of “Return of The Jedi” and brings in new leads alongside the original cast.
I personally am a fan of Abrams and his previous work directing on the newest “Star Trek” films, Super 8 and my own personal favorite; the television series “Fringe”, although he may be more well known for the work he did on the tv series “Lost”.
I think we all know how seriously fans take “Star Wars” and I think to be given the honor of directing this film is an extremely multi-faceted blessing for Mr. Abrams and I pray for him that the cynical web nerds out there don’t rip his work apart. But I believe he has got what it takes and him being hired tells us that Lucas must think he’s got what it takes as well, to put on the Jedi robe and carry out the legacy. 
Or maybe Disney strong armed Lucas to give up the glory and let this new hipster nerd guy take a stab at it because he is trendy and manages to make a movie look big budget without throwing it all at a green screen and he wouldn’t cost as much to hire maybe?  I don’t know,  this is just one of many theories you could imagine.
Disney also has ownership and controls a number of well known companies such as Marvel, Pixar, Touchstone, ABC and obviously Lucasfilm. Disney controls distribution, marketing and promotion on these companies.

So who decided to release “Star Wars: the Force Awakens” on Christmas Day?

A brilliant marketing scheme some may say.  Or is it just a spoke in the wheel taking our Nation further from God and Christian tradition? Why should people be with their families when they could be standing in lines in front of theatres nationwide?  Why wait for Christ to return when Han and Luke are already here? And I say that in total sarcasm in case you didn’t pick up on it already.

And then there are all the Christmas themed family movies the company and it’s associates have released throughout the years. 
They generally place the focus on “family” while very carefully keeping Jesus out of the equation altogether.
Because in this great, great Nation of our’s;  Christmas is a bad word, unless it’s making somebody money.


What is Disney really up to? Did Walt Disney really share a close friendship with Anton LeVay? Was he a high ranking Mason and member of the Illuminati? Has Disney been using their film’s to desensitize and immobilize our youth’s for decades?
We may never have out right answers for the questions, but no matter what the truth may be, at least we know ol’ Uncle Walt is answering to someone.
Just something to ponder.

Thank you for reading.